Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Convenience is Odor-Free Bliss

I got this friend -- Boots. I know, stupid name. But a great guy; give you the kibble out of his bowl.

Boots has this "inconvenient" home life -- his human doesn't like to scoop. Doesn't like to empty until the "ambiance" makes the wallpaper curl. It's so bad that when we're out on the prowl, I have to make excuses why I can't stop up. The last one was really lame -- "I'm havin a new squeaky put in my favorite mousy." I'm embarassed thinking about it.

And all because his person wants her life to be convenient. Then get a SmartScoop. Hello?

Boots isn't a big eater, so with SmartScoop, she'd only have to empty the bag every week, week and a half. Change the litter once a month. What could be more convenient? A butler, sure, but be realistic. With SmartScoop it's like no one even uses the box -- and Boots does most of the time.

SmartScoop does the sccop-n-rake automatically. No mess. No odor. We're talkin pure cat bliss. With a capital P. I tried to tell her. I stood outside on her bedroom window ledge -- no way I'm going in until she changes that box -- and yelled, "You want convenience? Get a SmartScoop! While your neighbors can still stand to live next door to you!"

But all she did was throw a slipper at the window and tell me to stop caterwaulin'. Is that even a word?

Stupid human. I guess there's a reason they call it "Smart" Scoop.

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